What Is The GMAT?
The Graduate Management Assessment Test, or GMAT for short, was introduced in 1953, by the then newly formed Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC).
The GMAT was intended as a standardized test to assess a candidates verbal, writing, reading, computational, analytical and reasoning skills to determine his/her ability to pursue a course in management.
The GMAT test is used by more than 2100 universities across the world as part of their selection criteria for accepting students into their graduate management programs.
The GMAT can be taken at any of the standardized test centers located in over 112 countries, and can be taken up to 5 times in a year.
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Which Colleges Accept The GMAT?
More than 2100 universities and colleges accept the GMAT scores as a criteria for selection. Almost all the top universities including the Ivy League schools in America and universities like Oxford, Cambridge and Leeds in the UK accept the GMAT scores, apart from other prestigious universities.
The GMAT has grown to become a benchmark for colleges to determine a students ability to undertake the rigorous course work expected in a graduate management program. Some universities stipulate that GMAT scores are a mandatory part of the selection process, while for some the GMAT score is optional.
Who Needs To Take The GMAT?
The GMAT can be taken by anyone who intends to pursue a graduate program in management. Most colleges offering an MBA program, mandate that candidates take and submit their GMAT scores to qualify for applying.
However some colleges do not make it a mandatory requirement, but leave it to the discretion of the candidate. It is advisable however to take the GMAT and submit your scores, especially if your scores are high.
Also many colleges do not require GMAT scores for acceptance into their programs, but do require the scores for consideration for merit aid. Students who have completed or are intending to complete their final year of under graduation can take the GMAT.
GMAT scores are valid for five years from the date of the test, but it is best to submit GMAT scores less than a year after taking the test.
Structure Of The GMAT
The GMAT is a Computer Adaptive Test. The student will see one question at a time and based on the accuracy of his response, the next question will be generated. Which means, that a wrong answer would lead to a comparatively easier question next, whereas a correct response, will lead to a question that is more difficult.
The test is divided into four sections, namely Analytical writing, Quantitative, Reasoning and verbal. The total test takes around three and a half hours to complete. The breakup of the test section wise is as follows
- Analytical Writing 1 question - 30 minutes
The Analytical writing section, presents a topic for the candidate to analyze and write about in detail. In this section, the candidate is assessed for his ability to think critically, analyze an argument from both sides, and to communicate his findings clearly.
- Integrated Reasoning 12 questions 30 minutes
The Integrated Reasoning section carries 12 questions, all selected from multiple sources and presented in multiple formats. The questions mainly assess the candidates ability to understand and interpret information in text or graphical format; organize data to correlate; combine and manipulate data from multiple sources to solve complex problems.
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- Quantative 37 questions- 75 minutes
The Quantitative section carries 37 questions. The section assesses the candidates ability to analyze and manipulate quantitative data and draw conclusions. The subject areas covered in the section are Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry. The level of expertise expected is that of senior
- Verbal 41 questions 75 minutes
The verbal section carries 45 questions. It assesses the candidates ability to read, comprehend and interpret material written primarily in academic English as opposed to colloquial English. The section also assesses the candidates knowledge of form and grammar, by providing questions where he has to correct erroneous sentences. The section broadly covers the areas of reading comprehension, Sentence correction and critical reasoning.
How To Prepare For The GMAT?
The GMAT is a highly competitive examination, with tens of thousands of candidates taking it every year. Moreover the adapative nature of the test can seem daunting to students who are used to the paper and pencil pattern of school and college examinations. It is important to score high on your GMAT to be considered for admission to the best universities.
As a result, early and meticulous preparation is a must. The best way to prepare is to designate an hour a day exclusively for the test prep. It is better to take the guidance of experts in the fields as they will be able to work with you to come up with study strategies to strengthen your high scoring potential areas and mitigate your weak scoring areas.
To know more about how to apply for GMAT and how we can help you achieve your targeted score, Get in touch with us at Global Tree, the best overseas education consultancy in India.