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IELTS is a gate way Exam for Study abroad programs, immigration and work abroad purposes. It is a tool which helps to assess the English Language proficiency of test taker. The students who opt for study abroad programs attempt IELTS Academic, where as those seeking immigration and work-permits attempt IELTS General. The 4 aspects of IELTS are
- Listening
- Reading
- Writing and
- Speaking
Techniques Of Effective Writing In Gaining The Required Score
In this blog we have given detailed information about the techniques of effective writing in gaining the required score for admission to your favorite course abroad or immigration.
IELTS Academic Writing Exam Duration: 60 minutes
The writing Exam of IELTS has 2 tasks for their undergraduate and post graduate programs.
Task-1 A situation will be given and the test taker is asked to write the information of the graphical or visual matter through explanation.
Task-2 An essay should be written corresponding to a view point or contemplating with an argument or problem and justifying the situation properly.
Tips For TASK 1
Tip 1: Duration for task is only 20 minutes. Plan a strategy in your mind to produce your response legibly including all the information that is required to justify the explanation of the visual.
Tip-2: Always remember while attempting the task 1, the visual representations, graphs and flow charts are not meant for your correct mathematical calculation. But the writing exam IELTS is extremely focused on only testing your way of presentation of the information using proper vocabulary without grammatical errors. Dont worry about calculations, but stay focused on presenting your response with proper language and grammar.
Tip-3: Read and Understand the sentence of task-1 of Writing IELTS Academic. If you understand the titles and sentence, you can properly summarize as per the requirement. In paragraph 1 introduce the visuals in 3 or 4 sentences with accurate language.
Tip-4: In the 2nd paragraph visuals are supposed to be summarized properly. The word count while summarizing the visuals is important.
[Read More: IELTS Exam: First Step Towards For An Overseas Education]
Tip-5: In the 3rd paragraph, use all the data, statistics and details given with key words to inform that you are focusing on the subject
Tip-6: Conclude the paragraph but do not exceed the word count. Conclusion helps you if you fall short with the words. But if the content reaches 150 words then avoid conclusion or conclude shortly.
Tip-7: Practice the first paragraph of Task 1 multiple times with different visuals so that when you attempt a real IELTS Exam you will know the impressive writing of first paragraph, which gives an impression of you to the evaluator.
Tip-8: Avoid redundancy in the content. If the evaluator finds repetitive information in the presented content then you may lose scores.
Tips For TASK 2
Task 2 questions are generally debatable and difficult to justify. Here you are supposed to present your ideas and opinions without contradicting. The grammar, language and vocabulary are critically important.
Duration: 40 minutes
Tip-1: Draw your strategic plan of approach in your mind before attempting to write the task 2 of IELTS Writing.
Tip-2: Keep the introduction of the paragraph short and simple. Paraphrase the given topic in simple and plain words.
Tip-3: Avoid using the same words from the question.
Tip-4: Answer the question directly without contradicting it.
[Read More: 10 Tips For IELTS Writing, General Training!]
Tip-5: Arrange the essay through the paragraphs and express your ideas in each paragraph
Tip-6: Maintain connection to the main point in each paragraph with the idea expressed
Tip-7: Support your ideas with examples and details to emphasize the main point
Tip-8: Conclude the essay shortly with a couple of sentences mentioning the ideas expressed and justify the conclusion. Follow the tips while attempting your IELTS Writing Academic to gain best scores.
If you are looking for IELTS Best Coaching Center, contact Global Tree overseas Education and Immigration consultants who has an in-house coaching department with experienced and expert training faculties to meet all the gate-way exam needs such as IELTS, GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, SAT and other tests. Global Tree has best coaching center in Hyderabad for IELTS and other tests.