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How Appropriate is your Decision of Investing in Overseas Education?

Overseas Education

Going abroad for studies is not an easy decision, neither for a parent nor for a student. Though things have changed now and if we compare the numbers of students going abroad today from a decade back, they have more than doubled. More and more students are moving abroad for their higher studies, why? Yes, it is an expensive decision but must be giving a better return that is why students are facing towards foreign lands for education. Overseas education is not an expense but is an investment, if done carefully will give you amazing results. Here we will explore the returns of investment on overseas education. There is not one reason why one should invest in studying abroad some of them are listed below:

International Exposure

One of the foremost reasons is getting international exposure. One should not limit their capacity and should move ahead to explore the world. The kind of facilities and internship opportunities available in developed countries gives you practical experience while pursuing your course. Studying abroad provides important skills that would influence your career path and gives you an edge in the employment market. Few multinational companies even prefer candidates who are internationally exposed. So would be one good reason to move to a foreign land.

[Read More: Top Universities to Study Abroad for Indians]

Develop Language Skills

Studying abroad will provide you opportunity to work on your language skills, when you are exposed to the countries where your second language is the primary language of communication. One would get more grips on their second language and could even learn a third language which is an added advantage in your curriculum vitae.

Increased Employment Prospects

Studying Abroad provides you better Opportunities of Employment. An international student has an edge over national student, as they are more exposed to latest technologies and know-how. Demand for international students is very high in the overseas employment market, apart from that, financially one land in a better position when compared to an average national student. Studying abroad provides a candidate better interpersonal skills, exposure, cross culture experience, and better managerial abilities. In the long run these traits help a candidate to flourish in his or her career. They have better opportunities, knowledge and skills than their peer group in India. It is not that the education in India is not good or not worth, but its limited and the population of our country is huge which could subsidies each student.

[Read More: Tips to Find Right Study Abroad Program for Indians]

Every student deserve to get the best education and our premier institutes like IITs and IIMs could accommodate a few thousand and some more could be accommodated in good B grade colleges and universities, but what about rest. And in these top schools of India you wouldn't be getting a quality specialized and super specialized education which requires practical knowledge along with theoretical one that is why most of the Indian students would prefer to move abroad for better opportunities. Though this is an expensive affair, but there are loans and grants that you would receive to pursue your higher qualification. It's time to rise and look high, for better performance.

For more details on overseas education, contact Global Tree Overseas Education Services who would provide you the right path for moving abroad.

Most asked questions on Google

The common notion is that foreign universities are expensive, although with scholarships this is an exaggerated issue. What many fail to consider are time and effort. Studying in an Indian college leads to a lower average salary than earned by our western counterparts. This salary sets the tone for all future promotions since companies often look at your previous salaries during compensation appraisals. Additionally, most senior positions tend to be scooped up by individuals who have an international outlook through global exposure.  Finally, studying in a foreign country is an incredible learning experience helping students get a better academic as well as soft skill development.

Canada has been one of the market leaders in education for decades. However, what currently sets Maple Country apart is immigration. Canada is wholeheartedly inviting students to study in their universities to fill job vacancies that are always growing in the country. Students who study in Canada (especially a Master’s Degree) are practically assured of a Permanent Residency Visa.

A good score doesn’t automatically qualify a candidate for a scholarship, however, it is one of the primary factors that the admissions department looks for in a scholarship application. There are other attributes such as a candidate’s academics, extra-curricular, financial background, and application essays (SOPs).

We get this question a lot. Many candidates know which career path they want to take, but are at a loss for how to take that journey. Understanding the job role and the industry that you want to get into is the first step to picking the right university.

Carefully consider the immigration options of the country that the university that you are considering is in. This is more important when you intend to stay back in the country after the completion of your course.

Also, review the placement history of the university as well.

The first step is to list your preferences. By listing your preferences and strengths, describe your course of preference. Extensive research on the modules, software and its length for your preferred subject is necessary.


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