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What is SGPA? How to Convert SGPA to Percentage & CGPA?


Do you find yourself lost when it comes to understanding SGPA?

Fear not!

Because we're here to break it down for you in the simplest way possible!

Whats SGPA, Anyway?

SGPA stands for Semester Grade Point Average, and it's a nifty little number that represents your academic performance in a specific semester.

It's like a snapshot of your GPA for that particular term.

But how do you calculate this magical number?

Here's the deal: SGPA is calculated by taking the sum of the grade points earned in each course and dividing it by the total credit hours for those courses.

It's as easy as pie!

SGPA = (Sum of Grade Points) / (Total Credit Hours)

What is CGPA?

CGPA, or Cumulative Grade Point Average, is like the grand total of your academic journey.

It's the average of all your SGPA values from various semesters, reflecting your overall performance.

To calculate CGPA in your Engineering, you gather your SGPA scores from all your semesters and average them out.

What are the Differences Between CGPA and SGPA?

Here's a handy tabular format to break down the distinctions between CGPA and SGPA:



Cumulative Grade Point Average

Semester Grade Point Average


Covers your entire academic journey

Represents a single semester


Average of SGPA values from all semesters

Calculated for a specific semester


Provides an overall performance snapshot

Evaluates performance in a particular term

Calculate CGPA from SGPA

Now, let's talk about the master of them all.

  • CGPA or Cumulative Grade Point Average - CGPA is the average of all your SGPA values over multiple semesters.

It's like a marathon, and your SGPA scores are the pit stops.

  • Here's how you do it: Add up all your SGPA values for each semester and divide it by the total number of semesters.

CGPA = (Sum of SGPA Values for All Semesters) / (Total Number of Semesters)

If you've aced every semester and your SGPA is consistently high, your CGPA will reflect that awesomeness!

[You may also like: 10-Point CGPA to a 4-Point GPA Conversion Guide]

Time to Decode the Grade Points

Now, let's understand the Grade Points.

They are usually on a scale of 0 to 10, with each letter grade you receive corresponding to a specific point.

For instance:

  • A+ = 10
  • A = 9
  • B+ = 8
  • B = 7
  • C = 6
  • D = 5
  • F = 0

So, if you got an A in a 3-credit course, you'd earn 9 x 3 = 27 grade points for that course.

Piece of cake, right?

SGPA to Percentage: The Magic Trick

You've calculated your SGPA, and now you're curious about your overall performance in percentage terms.

And it's simple!

  • Percentage = SGPA x 10

So, if your SGPA is 8, your percentage would be 8 x 10 = 80%.

  • It's like multiplying your SGPA by 10 and boom, you've got your percentage!

How To Convert CGPA Into Percentage?

Converting your CGPA into a percentage is quite straightforward. Here's the formula:

Percentage = CGPA x 9.5

For example, if your CGPA is 8.5, your percentage would be 8.5 x 9.5 = 80.75%. This formula helps you provide your academic performance in a more familiar percentage format.

[Read More: Convert CGPA to Percentage for Free Here]

How To Calculate CGPA Through SGPA?

Calculating CGPA from SGPA values is a simple yet crucial task when you want to know your overall performance. Here's how you do it:

  1. Collect all your SGPA values from different semesters.
  2. Add them together.
  3. Divide the sum by the total number of semesters.

For example, if you've completed five semesters and your SGPA values are 8.0, 8.2, 8.5, 8.7, and 8.4, you would calculate your CGPA like this:

CGPA = (8.0 + 8.2 + 8.5 + 8.7 + 8.4) / 5 = 41.8 / 5 = 8.36

Your CGPA is 8.36, reflecting your performance over all the semesters you've completed according to abroad education policies.

Terms Used to Calculate SGPA and CGPA

To accurately calculate SGPA and CGPA, you'll need to be familiar with these essential terms:

  1. Grade Points: These are assigned to letter grades and are typically on a scale from 0 to 10.
  2. Credit Hours: Each course has a certain number of credit hours, which represents the weight of that course.
  3. SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average): It's the average grade point for a specific semester.
  4. CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average): It's the average of all your SGPA values, giving you an overall academic score.
  5. Total Credit Hours: The sum of credit hours for all courses in a semester.
  6. A sum of Grade Points: The addition of grade points earned in all courses for a specific semester.

Understanding these terms is essential for accurately calculating your SGPA and CGPA

[You may also like: Life as a Student in USA: What No One Tells you!]


So, there you have it, Understanding SGPA, converting it to a percentage, and CGPA.

These seemingly complex numbers are just a walk in the park once you break them down.

Now, you know how to calculate your SGPA, convert it to a percentage, and CGPA.

So go ahead, crunch those numbers!

Happy calculating!

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