Most World leading Women CEOs
Ever since the bugle cry of feminism was sounded in the 1950's it is has been the endeavor of women all over the world to get equal status, both at work and at home, to close the gender pay gap, which is sadly very much evident, and to see women rise to the top as company leaders and CEOs. It is no surprise that the countries which are the most developed such as Canada, USA, and the UK have the most number of women in positions of leadership. Glass ceilings in most countries are still intact, making it an extremely rare and tedious climb to the top for women. However in countries like Canada and USA not only is there a lot of social support for women to go out and work but also to explore their creativity. For, after all, every business is built on the creative process and every aspect of a business stems from an idea.Study Abroad Complete a Master Degree
Countries which encourage women to explore and express their creativity are most likely to see women rise faster to the top. A case in point, Indira Nooyi had lived all her life in India, she was born in Chennai, schooled there and completed her graduation from Madras Christian college in the same city, after which went on to complete her MBA from IIM Calcutta, one of the most renowned institutes for MBA in India. She then worked as a product manager at Johnson and Johnson,but it was not until she took the decision to Study Abroad and completes a master's degree in public and private management from Yale School of Management in the USA, that she got on the path to becoming the first female CEO of PepsiCo Inc. A position that inspires awe not just in women, but also in men across the world. In Indira Nooyi's own words, it was the class in communications that she was compelled to take during her stint at Yale, USA that she found invaluable in shaping her destiny,[Read More: Balance for Better Solo Women Immigrants on the Rise]
Another example would be Safra Catz, the CEO of Oracle Corp. As the highest paid female CEO in the world. Catz pulls a lot of weight both inside the boardroom at Oracle and outside. Born in Israel, Safra moved to Massachusetts in the USA with her parents when she was just six years old. Safra is considered to be one of the top 20 most influential female leaders in the world. It is anybody's guess whether Safra Catz would have reached the heights of corporate success should her parents not have decided to Immigrate to USA Moving on, in Canada, while it is true that the issue of gender pay gap is a yet to be resolved, the opportunities for the average woman in Canada are far higher than the opportunities for the average women in developing countries. Shahrzan Rafati, the founder of Broadband TV Corp - one of the largest multi-platform digital network companies in the world, was born in Iran and moved to Vancouver to Canada when she was a teenager. A move that was instrumental in helping Rafati complete her under graduation in computer science from the University of British Columbia and helping her to found the company that she heads today.Immigration for a Womens
Lainey Lui is another immigrant success story among Women in Canada. Her parents moved to Canada from Hong Kong before she was born. Reaping the benefits of the education system in Canada, Lui went on to become a celebrity reporter and a TV entertainer. She has her own website and has penned a number of best-selling books So what is it about countries like USA and Canada that inspire women to seek the best that is in themselves and rise to the full heights of their potential? What is the secret formula of their success if you will? Is it the schooling system in USA and Canada that encourages girls to be as active as boys? Is it the societal norms of gender equality that encourage men to pitch in with the housework? Whatever it is, it is definitely working and until India finds the elusive secret of keeping its women engaged, we will find our best talent seeking its glory elsewhere in countries like USA and Canada. To know more the advantages of Immigration for a woman and their families, get in touch with our expert consultants at Global Tree Begumpet, Hyderabad, and the most trusted Immigration Consultant in India..[Read More: Celebrating Indian woman achievers on global stage]