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All about your Future Prospects after a Bsc Agriculture in 2023


Agriculture has always supported human civilization, feeding and supporting millions worldwide. The agricultural sector is changing rapidly, and skilled workers are needed to meet food production, sustainable farming, and agribusiness development needs. A Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Agriculture gives students the skills and knowledge to succeed in this dynamic field. This comprehensive guide covers 2023 BSc Agriculture jobs, salaries, career prospects, job sectors, competitive exams, and opportunities in India and abroad.

BSc Agriculture Pay and Positions

  • Plant pathologists treat crop diseases. The average salary for fresh graduates in this field is 4-6 lakh per year, while experienced professionals earn 8-12 lakh per year.
  • Agricultural economists analyse agricultural economic data and advise on market trends and policies. Fresh graduates earn ₹4-6 lakh per year, while experienced agricultural economists earn ₹10-15 lakh per year.
  • Food Technologists: Food technologists improve food quality, safety, and nutrition. Fresh graduates earn ₹3-5 lakh annually, while experienced food technologists earn ₹8-10 lakh annually.
  • Environmental Consultant: Environmental consultants help farmers practise sustainable agriculture. Entry-level salaries range from ₹4-6 lakh per year, increasing with experience and expertise.
  • Horticulturists grow fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals. New graduates can earn ₹4-6 lakh per year, while experienced horticulturists can earn ₹8-12 lakh per year

The BSc Agriculture Job Sector

The BSc Agriculture degree opens doors to many agriculture sectors:

1. Agribusiness:

From production to distribution and marketing, agribusiness involves agriculture. Agribusiness companies like input suppliers, agro-processing units, and commodity trading firms hire graduates. Sales, marketing, supply chain, and business development jobs are available.

2. Research and Development:

Agriculture relies on R&D to boost crop yields, develop disease-resistant varieties, and improve practises. Research institutes and private companies hire BSc Agriculture graduates as research assistants, scientists, and lab technicians. These positions involve experimentation, data analysis, and field innovation.

3. Government:

BSc Agriculture graduates can work for the Ministry of Agriculture, State Agricultural Departments, and Krishi Vigyan Kendras. Technical experts, extension officers, and agricultural officers are common. These positions involve field surveys, working with farmers to spread modern farming practises, and implementing government programmes.

4. Banking Sector:

Bank loans to farmers are vital to agriculture. Agriculture loan officers, credit analysts, and relationship managers are sought after graduates. They evaluate loan applications, enforce loan terms, and promote sustainable agriculture.

5. Agri-Entrepreneurship:

With the rise of entrepreneurship and startups in agriculture, BSc Agriculture graduates can become agri-entrepreneurs. They can venture into organic farming, agri-tech, agri-tourism, or value-added agribusinesses like dairy processing or organic food production.

6. Academics and Education:

Many graduates pursue MSc or PhD programmes in agriculture and enter academia. Professors, researchers, and agricultural scientists can advance agricultural knowledge and train future professionals.

(Read More: Study Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences in Adelaide)

7. Organisations International:

The FAO and other agricultural NGOs hire BSc Agriculture graduates for food security, sustainable farming, and rural development positions.

8. Consulting Firms:

Agriculture and agribusiness consulting firms serve farmers, government agencies, and companies. BSc Agriculture graduates can consult on crop management, soil health, and pest control.

9. The Food Processing Industry:

The food processing industry relies on BSc Agriculture graduates for quality and safety. Food processing units hire quality control analysts, food technologists, and food safety officers.

10. Social enterprises and NGOs:

Rural development and sustainable agriculture NGOs and social enterprises hire BSc Agriculture graduates for community development, farmer training, and organic farming promotion.

11. International Trade and Agri-Export:

With globalisation, agriculture is more involved in international trade. Graduates can work in government or private companies in agri-export documentation, trade analysis, and promotion.

12. Seed and Agrochemical Industry:

Bayer, Syngenta, and Corteva Agriscience hire BSc Agriculture graduates for R&D, product management, and sales and marketing.

Career Options for BSc Agriculture

3.1 Fresh Graduate BSc Agriculture Jobs

Graduates often work as trainees or interns. Field assistants, research assistants, and junior agronomists are examples. They can rise in rank and take on more responsibility with experience.

3.2 Experienced BSc Agriculture Jobs

Experienced BSc Agriculture graduates can work in management, research, or consulting. They can also start farms or become independent consultants.

(Read More: Find All Agricultural related course here)

3.3 Ag Scientist

Researchers improve crop yields, develop disease-resistant varieties, and address environmental issues in agriculture. Research institutions, universities, and private companies employ them. Experienced agricultural scientists lead research teams and advance agricultural knowledge.

3.4 Agripreneurship

Recent years have seen agripreneurship grow. BSc Agriculture graduates with entrepreneurial spirit can start businesses. Organic farming, agri-tech startups, farm-to-table businesses, and agri-tourism can help rural development and sustainable agriculture.

Government Agriculture Jobs

The government hires many BSc Agriculture graduates. Notable government positions include:

1. Agricultural Development Officer:

Agricultural Development Officers promote modern agriculture, implement government schemes, and assist farmers in government departments. They are crucial to agricultural productivity and rural development.

2. Agriculture Extension Officer Krishi Vikas Adhikari:

At the grassroots level, Krishi Vikas Adhikaris teach farmers about agriculture, train them, and help them adopt best practises. Working with local agricultural cooperatives and government agencies is common.

3. Agricultural Research Scientist:

Experimental, trial, and research by agricultural research scientists develop new crop varieties, pest control methods, and sustainable farming practises. They advance agricultural science in research institutions.

4. Soil Conservation Officer:

Soil conservation officers use erosion control, afforestation, and soil management to improve soil quality. Their role is crucial to soil health and sustainability.

5. Agricultural Inspector:

Agricultural inspectors enforce laws and standards. To ensure quality and safety, they inspect farms, processing units, and agricultural products. Their work is crucial to food safety and quality.

6. Plant Safety Officer:

Plant protection officers control agricultural pests and diseases. They use integrated pest management (IPM) to help farmers identify and control pests and diseases, reducing crop losses and increasing yields.

7. Agriculture Officer (Banking):

Bank agriculture officers evaluate farmer loan applications, creditworthiness, and loan disbursement. They advise farmers on financial matters and monitor loan use to promote sustainable farming.

8. Horticulture Officer:

Fruit, vegetable, and ornamental plant horticulturists. They advise farmers on crop selection, cultivation, and post-harvest management to boost horticultural production.

(Read More: Study Plant Science Courses abroad)

Banking Sector Jobs after BSc Agriculture

Farmers and agribusinesses rely on banking for financial services. This sector offers many jobs to BSc Agriculture graduates.

1. Agricultural Loan Officer:

Agribusiness and farmer loan applications are reviewed by agricultural loan officers. They check applicants' creditworthiness, loan purpose, and terms and conditions. These professionals help farmers invest in farming by closing the financial gap.

2. Agriculture Credit Analyst:

Agriculture-focused credit analysts evaluate agricultural loan credit risk. For lending decisions, they examine financial statements, collateral, and repayment capacity. This job requires extensive knowledge of agriculture and its dynamics.

3. Agri-Business Relationship Manager:

Bank agribusiness relationship managers work closely with clients. They manage client finances, explore investment opportunities, and provide customised financial solutions to support agribusiness growth.

4. Agriculture Marketing Officer:

Ag marketing officers help farmers and agribusinesses market their products. They help clients access markets, choose marketing strategies, and handle price fluctuations. These professionals are essential to getting agricultural products to consumers.

5. Rural Development Officer:

Rural development officers in banks promote financial inclusion and rural development. Their projects improve rural communities' economic and social well-being. These efforts often support agriculture projects and schemes.

6. Agri-Loan Recovery Officer:

Agri-loan recovery officers monitor and collect debts. They work with borrowers to ensure timely repayment and initiate banking-compliant recovery procedures when necessary.

7. Agri-Loan Product Manager:

Bank agri-loan product managers create and manage agricultural loans. They tailor loan products to farmers and agribusinesses based on market trends, customer needs, and regulatory requirements.

8. Agricultural Risk Manager:

Agricultural risk managers evaluate and manage lending risks. They create risk mitigation strategies, track portfolio performance, and advise the bank on agriculture risk management.

Competitive Exams After BSc Agriculture

Competitive exams after BSc Agriculture lead to government jobs and further study. These exams assess agricultural job skills. Some notable competitive exams:

1. Indian Agricultural Research Service Exam:

The prestigious IARS exam, conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), opens doors to research and administrative positions in the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and other related organisations. Research or agricultural bureaucracy are options for graduates.

2. NET for Agricultural Sciences:

The Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) administers the National Eligibility Test (NET) for Assistant Professor positions in agricultural colleges and universities. NET qualification is essential for agricultural science teachers and researchers.

3. State PSC Exams:

State PSCs hold agricultural department hiring exams for many positions. These exams vary by state but often include Agricultural Development Officer, Extension Officer, and Agricultural Inspector.

4. University Entrance Exams for Agriculture:

Agricultural colleges and universities hold entrance exams for postgraduate and doctoral programmes. Agriculture students must do well on these exams.

(Dive Deep & Learn About: Crop Science & its trending Options)

5. Banking Exams:

Candidates for bank positions as agricultural officers or credit analysts may need to pass the IBPS Specialist Officer (SO) Exam, which includes an agricultural field officer position.

6. Farm Exams at the State Level:

Many states have agricultural exams for agriculture department and related organisation positions. These exams vary by state but often include Krishi Vikas Adhikari and Agricultural Development Officer.

7. Agricultural Research Institution Tests:

The Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) and state agricultural universities may hold entrance exams for research programmes and research assistant positions.

These competitive exams require a solid understanding of agricultural concepts, current affairs, and general aptitude. Many candidates choose coaching institutes and self-study to pass these exams and find rewarding jobs.

Top BSc Agriculture Recruiters

BSc Agriculture graduates are sought by many employers. Many top companies hire agriculture graduates for various positions. Top recruiters include:

1. ITC Agribusiness Division:

ITC's Agribusiness Division's e-Choupal initiative empowers farmers with digital information and markets. ITC offers supply chain, marketing, and agribusiness development jobs.

2. Monsanto:

The world's largest seed producer and agricultural technology company Monsanto hires BSc Agriculture graduates for research and development. Monsanto researchers develop sustainable farming and advanced seed varieties.

3. Tata Rallis:

Tata Group subsidiary Tata Rallis provides agricultural solutions. The company offers sales, marketing, and R&D jobs to graduates.

4. Adani Agri Logistics:

Adani Agri Logistics manages agricultural supply chains, warehouses, and logistics. BSc Agriculture graduates work in operations, logistics, and quality control.

5. NABI: National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute

An autonomous institute, NABI conducts cutting-edge agri-food biotechnology research. Graduates can work on crop improvement and biotechnology research projects.

Scope of BSc Agriculture in Abroad

BSc Agriculture graduates interested in working abroad can pursue research, agribusiness, and international development. Indian graduates are sought after for their skills and knowledge in the global agriculture sector. A broader look at BSc Agriculture abroad:

1. Research and Development:

International universities and research institutions offer agricultural science research positions. Graduates can research crop improvement, sustainable farming, and environmental conservation. US, Australian, and European agricultural research programs are well-funded.

2. Consulting and Agribusiness:

BSc Agriculture graduates work in agribusiness development, market analysis, and supply chain management for multinationals. Graduates can gain global exposure and contribute to food security in international agribusiness.

3. Organisations International:

FAO and WFP hire BSc Agriculture graduates for food security, rural development, and agricultural policy analysis. Graduates can work on global hunger and poverty projects.

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4. Agricultural Consultancies:

Agriculture consulting firms worldwide offer agribusiness strategy, sustainability, and rural development services. These firms offer consulting opportunities for BSc Agriculture graduates to address global agricultural issues.

5. Exporting and Trading Agriculture:

Export-import management, trade analysis, and commodity trading are career options in agricultural international trade. Graduates can help trade agencies, exporters, and importers facilitate global agricultural trade.

6. Non-governmental Organisations:

International development NGOs hire BSc Agriculture graduates to support developing country agriculture. These roles involve agricultural development programme capacity building, training, and project management.

7. Farm Management:

Farm management graduates can work abroad on farms and estates. Farm managers manage operations, implement best practises, and maximise production.

8. Conservation and Sustainability:

BSc Agriculture graduates have more opportunities in environmental conservation and sustainable agriculture as global sustainability and climate change concerns grow. Organic, agroecological, and conservation agriculture jobs are in demand worldwide.

9. The International Agriculture Education:

Some graduates teach and train farmers in developing countries in international agriculture education. They collaborate with organisations and universities to improve farming and agricultural education worldwide.

10. International Agriculture Development Projects:

Many nations and organisations collaborate with developing nations to fund agricultural development. BSc Agriculture graduates with crop management, soil health, and sustainable farming skills can join these projects.

11. Agritourism and Sustainable Agriculture:

New Zealand and Italy have developed agri-tourism sectors, offering graduates jobs on farms that engage tourists and promote sustainable agriculture.

12. Agri-Tech and Precision Agriculture:

Global precision agriculture and agri-tech adoption is rising. Graduates can work in data analytics, IoT, and automation companies that improve agricultural productivity and sustainability.

13. United Nations Development Programme:

UNDP hires for agricultural and rural livelihood projects. Graduates can help reduce poverty and improve food security worldwide.

14. International Finance Institutions and World Bank:

Agriculture professionals work on rural development, food security, and agriculture projects in developing countries for international financial institutions like the World Bank.

15. FAO: UN Food and Agriculture Organisation:

FAO recruits agricultural experts to address global food security and promote sustainable agriculture.

With a BSc Agriculture degree and the right skills and qualifications, graduates can work abroad to solve global agricultural problems and improve food security.

Jobs in Abroad after BSc Agriculture

BSc Agriculture graduates working abroad have many job options in various sectors. Consider these jobs and roles:

1. Agricultural Research Scientist

2. Farm Manager

3. Agricultural Consultant

4. Agricultural Extension Officer

5. Specialist in Agri-Tech

6. Food Safety Officer

7. Specialist in International Development

8. Agribusiness Manager

9. Agricultural Economist

10. Ecological Sustainability Specialist

11. Trainer and Educator in Agriculture

12. Specialist in Rural Development

13. International Trade Analyst

14. Coordinator for Sustainable Agriculture

15. International Food Inspector

These jobs reflect the global demand for skilled BSc Agriculture graduates who can contribute to sustainable agriculture, food security, and rural development. Careers abroad offer exposure to diverse agricultural practises and the chance to impact global agriculture and food systems.

Best Countries for BSc Agriculture Graduates

International career options for BSc Agriculture graduates include several countries. These countries have top agricultural sectors and opportunities for agriculture professionals:

1. United States:

The US leads the world in agribusiness and research with a diverse agricultural landscape. Research institutions, universities, commercial farming, agribusinesses, and government agencies hire graduates.

2. Canada:

Crop production, agribusiness, and sustainable farming thrive in Canada. Graduates can work in large farms, research institutions, or agri-tech startups.

3. Australia:

Australia's advanced agricultural practices and research institutions attract BSc Agriculture graduates. The country offers research, farm management, and agribusiness jobs.

4. New Zealand:

New Zealand offers farming, research, and agri-tourism jobs due to its dairy and horticultural industries. Sustainable agriculture makes the country appealing.

5. United Kingdom:

Farming, research, and agribusiness are thriving in the UK. Graduates can work in agri-tech and sustainable agriculture.

6. European Union Countries:

EU countries offer diverse agriculture, food production, and research opportunities. Graduates can work in farms, agribusinesses, and agricultural policy and sustainability organizations.


BSc Agriculture graduates have many options in India and abroad. The agriculture sector offers research, farm management, agribusiness, and international development careers. Graduates can work towards food security, sustainable farming, and rural development while having a fulfilling career.BSc Agriculture graduates are leading the way in addressing agriculture, climate change, and food security issues. They shape agriculture's future and ensure a secure food supply for future generations with their knowledge, skills, and dedication.Whether they work on farms, conduct groundbreaking research, or influence agricultural policies, BSc Agriculture graduates can change agriculture. The opportunities, growth, and impact of agriculture make it a rewarding career in 2023 and beyond.

FAQs: BSc Agriculture Jobs

1. Is BSc Agriculture recognised globally?

Yes, BSc Agriculture is recognized globally. The skills and knowledge gained in a BSc Agriculture programme are applicable worldwide. Graduates can work abroad, participate in international research, and advance agriculture.

2. What are US BSc Agriculture graduates' prospects?

The US offers BSc Agriculture graduates many career options. They work in universities, research institutions, commercial farming, agribusinesses, government agencies, and agri-tech startups. Crop production, livestock management, sustainable agriculture, and agricultural research offer opportunities.

3. How can BSc Agriculture graduates work abroad?

For jobs abroad, BSc Agriculture graduates can:

Find jobs and countries of interest.

Update their resume with relevant skills and experiences.

Network with industry experts domestically and abroad.

Apply for jobs on job portals, company websites, and international organisations.

Consider enhancing their qualifications with higher education or certification.

4. What's next for Canadian BSc Agriculture graduates?

Canada is a promising country for BSc Agriculture graduates. Crop production, agribusiness, research, and sustainable farming offer opportunities. Farms, research institutions, government agencies, and agri-food companies hire graduates.

5. Do BSc Agriculture graduates have agri-tech and precision farming opportunities abroad?

Yes, BSc Agriculture graduates have many agri-tech and precision farming opportunities abroad. Advanced agricultural technologies are being adopted by many nations to boost productivity and sustainability. Graduates can work for agri-tech startups, research institutions, and precision agriculture and farm automation companies.

Most asked questions on Google

The common notion is that foreign universities are expensive, although with scholarships this is an exaggerated issue. What many fail to consider are time and effort. Studying in an Indian college leads to a lower average salary than earned by our western counterparts. This salary sets the tone for all future promotions since companies often look at your previous salaries during compensation appraisals. Additionally, most senior positions tend to be scooped up by individuals who have an international outlook through global exposure.  Finally, studying in a foreign country is an incredible learning experience helping students get a better academic as well as soft skill development.

Canada has been one of the market leaders in education for decades. However, what currently sets Maple Country apart is immigration. Canada is wholeheartedly inviting students to study in their universities to fill job vacancies that are always growing in the country. Students who study in Canada (especially a Master’s Degree) are practically assured of a Permanent Residency Visa.

A good score doesn’t automatically qualify a candidate for a scholarship, however, it is one of the primary factors that the admissions department looks for in a scholarship application. There are other attributes such as a candidate’s academics, extra-curricular, financial background, and application essays (SOPs).

We get this question a lot. Many candidates know which career path they want to take, but are at a loss for how to take that journey. Understanding the job role and the industry that you want to get into is the first step to picking the right university.

Carefully consider the immigration options of the country that the university that you are considering is in. This is more important when you intend to stay back in the country after the completion of your course.

Also, review the placement history of the university as well.

The first step is to list your preferences. By listing your preferences and strengths, describe your course of preference. Extensive research on the modules, software and its length for your preferred subject is necessary.


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