- Introduction
- Understanding IELTS Pie Charts
- Sample Pie Graph IELTS:
- 12 IELTS Pie Chart Task 1 Sample Answers
- Example 1: Energy Consumption in a Typical Household
- Example 2: Modes of Transportation in a Busy City
- Example 3: Monthly Household Expenditures
- Example 4: Global Food Production Distribution
- Example 5: Causes of Environmental Pollution
- Example 6: Distribution of Educational Courses
- Example 7: Revenue Sources and Expenditures of a Nonprofit Organization (2020)
- Example 8: Tourist Accommodation Preferences
- Example 9: Customer Ratings of a Product
- Example 10: Household Waste Disposal Methods
- Example 11: Distribution of Art Forms in a Gallery
- Example 12: Social Media Usage by Age Groups
- How to Answer IELTS Writing Task 1 Pie Chart Essay in 7 Simple Steps?
- 8 Keypoints in Writing Task 1 Pie Chart Sample Answer
- FAQs
Preparing for the IELTS test is hard, and the IELTS Writing Task 1 is a big problem for many people, especially when they have to figure out how to read complicated data shown in pie charts. This job can be scary, but you have to be able to do it well if you want to get a Band 9 on the IELTS. In this detailed guide, we'll go into the details of IELTS Writing Task 1, focusing on pie charts. We'll show you 12 example answers that will help you figure out what's important. We will also answer commonly asked questions to help you get better at IELTS Writing Task 1.
Understanding IELTS Pie Charts
Before we look at the 12 sample answers, it's important to have a good understanding of how to read and understand pie charts. A pie chart is a visual representation of data in the shape of a circle, where each "slice" shows a different group or percentage of the whole. To do well on IELTS Writing Task 1, you need to be able to point out big trends, make relevant comparisons, and show how these different parts are related.
Sample Pie Graph IELTS:
This sample pie chart shows how the energy sources in a certain country are split up. In IELTS Writing Task 1, you will often see pie charts like this one. It is important that you can understand and explain the information they show.
12 IELTS Pie Chart Task 1 Sample Answers
Now, let's dive into the 12 sample answers for IELTS Writing Task 1, each tackling a different pie chart scenario. These answers will provide you with valuable insights and strategies for effectively approaching this task.
Example 1: Energy Consumption in a Typical Household
Pie chart IELTS Writing task 1 sample Answer 1:
The phrase "Energy Consumption in a Typical Household" pertains to a pie chart that presents a comprehensive analysis of energy utilization inside a conventional residential setting.
According to the data presented in the figure, the heating and cooling systems exhibit the highest share of energy use, constituting 38% of the overall energy usage. Water heating is the second most significant contributor to energy use, accounting for 25% of the total, whereas lighting accounts for 7%. Electronic gadgets, such as televisions and laptops, account for around 16% of the total energy use within households. Remarkably, the stand by category has the most minimal proportion, constituting about 3% of the total.
The presented data underscores the importance of heating and cooling systems as the major energy consumers in residential settings. The text proposes various avenues for energy conservation, such as the optimization of heating and cooling efficiency. Moreover, the very modest energy consumption associated with water heating suggests that homes may already be implementing energy-efficient measures in this particular aspect.
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Example 2: Modes of Transportation in a Busy City
Pie chart IELTS Writing task 1 sample Answer 2:
The given title, "Modes of Transportation in a Busy City," is representative of a pie chart that offers valuable insights on the transportation choices made by individuals residing in a highly populated urban area.
The data presented in the chart clearly indicates that private automobiles hold a dominant position within the urban transportation framework, accounting for 68% of the overall share. Walking is the second most preferred mode of transportation, accounting for 11% of inhabitants' commuting preferences. Bicycles, commonly linked to environmentally conscious modes of transportation, constitute a mere 5% of the overall transportation preferences among inhabitants. Conversely, buses are the least favored means of transportation, with a mere 11% of residents opting for this mode.
The presented data highlights the difficulties linked to urban congestion and emphasizes the necessity for sustainable transportation alternatives. The substantial dependence on privately owned automobiles implies the possibility of encountering traffic congestion problems that necessitate attention from urban authorities. In the present scenario, the widespread utilization of public buses signifies a societal inclination towards adopting mass transportation alternatives, hence presenting an opportunity for further promotion to mitigate the environmental consequences associated with daily commuting.
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Example 3: Monthly Household Expenditures

Pie Chart IELTS Writing Task 1 Sample Answer 3:
The title "Monthly Household Expenditures" is representative of a pie chart that provides a comprehensive breakdown of a family's spending patterns on a monthly basis.
According to the provided chart, the primary allocation of the family's budget is directed towards housing, representing a significant proportion of 34% of the overall expenses. Food expenditures constitute the second most substantial item, accounting for 12.7% of the total. The allocation of funds for transportation expenses, including both fuel and public transit, constitutes 16% of the monthly financial plan. Healthcare expenditures account for 6.6% of total spending, but the allocation for amusement and leisure activities is the lowest at 5%.
The presented data illuminates the financial priorities of the family and offers valuable insights into their expenditure habits. The allocation of resources is understandably biased towards housing and food, given their status as fundamental necessities. The allocation of a very modest proportion of funds towards amusement and leisure pursuits indicates a cautious attitude towards the allocation of discretionary income, which is indicative of the family's dedication to careful spending.
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Example 4: Global Food Production Distribution
Pie chart IELTS Writing Task 1 Sample Answer 4:
The title "Global Food Production Distribution" pertains to a pie chart that visually represents the allocation of food production among different locations on a global scale.
The data presented in the chart clearly indicates that Asia holds a prominent position in world food production, representing 43.5% of the overall output. Europe is the second-largest producer, making a contribution of 35%. North America accounts for 13.8% of the total global food output, whilst Africa and South America alone contribute 4% each.
The presented data highlights the geographical discrepancies in food production and implies major implications for both food security and trade. The significant agricultural output in the Asian continent highlights its important position in addressing the worldwide need for food. On the other hand, areas characterized by lower output percentages may depend on imports in order to meet the food requirements of their populations.
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Example 5: Causes of Environmental Pollution
Pie chart IELTS Writing task 1 sample Answer 5:
The term "Causes of Environmental Pollution" is representative of a pie chart that illustrates the primary factors responsible for the occurrence of environmental pollution.
According to the data presented in the graphic, it is evident that industrial emissions are the predominant factor contributing to environmental pollution, accounting for 52% of the overall pollution levels. Transportation emissions, which encompass the release of pollutants from vehicles, account for a significant proportion of approximately 27% in terms of their contribution to overall emissions. Agricultural practices, including the utilization of pesticides, contribute to around 10% of pollution sources. Residential sources, encompassing heating and garbage, account for a total of 9%.
The previously mentioned information highlights the necessity of implementing focused environmental policies and activities in order to successfully tackle the causes of pollution. The primary contributors to environmental pollution are emissions generated by industrial and transportation activities. Consequently, it is imperative to prioritize regulatory measures targeting these sectors in order to effectively mitigate pollution levels. Furthermore, the promotion of sustainable farming methods and the encouragement of eco-friendly living habits have the potential to significantly contribute to the reduction of pollution.
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Example 6: Distribution of Educational Courses
Pie chart IELTS Writing task 1 sample Answer 6:
The title "Distribution of Educational Courses" pertains to a pie chart that illustrates the allocation of various categories of courses provided by an educational institution.
According to the data presented in the graphic, the B.Sc. Physics program has the highest prevalence, constituting 25% of the total course offers. The proportion of B.Sc. Chemistry and Mathematics courses is 20%, while BBA programmes account for 13% of the total. The Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) program constitutes 12% of the available course offerings, whereas the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) program in Physics accounts for 10% of the total offerings.
The presence of a wide range of course options is indicative of the educational institution's dedication to provide a thorough and broad curriculum. This policy guarantees that students are provided with a diverse range of academic and vocational opportunities, accommodating their diverse interests and career goals.
Example 7: Revenue Sources and Expenditures of a Nonprofit Organization (2020)
Pie chart IELTS Writing task 1 sample Answer 7:
The term "Revenue Sources and Expenditures of a Nonprofit Organization (2020)" pertains to a pie chart illustrating the comprehensive distribution of financial activities undertaken by a nonprofit organization throughout the year 2020.
The chart illustrates that the nonprofit organization derived the majority of its money, accounting for 69% of the total income, through individual donations. The allocation of funds from corporate donations and grants provided by foundations accounted for 4% and 19% of the total, respectively. The remaining 9% was derived from alternative sources, including investment returns and fundraising events.
In terms of expenditures, the nonprofit organization dedicated the majority of its funds, specifically 95.8%, towards program services. These services directly contributed to the organization's mission and benefitted its intended recipients. The allocation of resources for administrative expenses constituted 1.8% of the total, whilst fundraising costs constituted 2.6%.
The elucidation of sources of income and expenditures offers a level of openness regarding financial administration and strategic objectives of the nonprofit entity during the year 2020. This statement underscores the importance of both individual donations and program services in effectively accomplishing the objective of the organization.
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Example 8: Tourist Accommodation Preferences
Pie Chart IELTS Writing Task 1 Sample Answer 8:
The title "Tourist Accommodation Preferences" pertains to a pie chart that discloses the accommodation preferences of tourists during their visits to a certain destination.
According to the data presented in the chart, apartments are identified as the predominant choice among tourists, constituting 40.9% of their accommodation preferences. The category of vacation rentals, which encompasses various accommodation options such as hotels, accounts for around 32.5% of the available possibilities. According to the data, a total of 12.3% of tourists indicated a preference for spending their vacations with friends or family. On the other hand, camping and hostels were found to be less favored options, with each accounting for 6.4% of the choices made by respondents.
The previously mentioned data offers significant insights that hold value for professionals in the tourist sector and destination management. The substantial level of demand observed in the hotel industry indicates a pressing requirement for ongoing investment in both the physical infrastructure and the provision of services within hotels. The increasing demand for vacation rentals and resorts underscores the potential for expansion in these industries, specifically targeting individuals who are seeking non-traditional travel experiences.
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Example 9: Customer Ratings of a Product
Pie chart IELTS Writing task 1 sample Answer 9:
The given term, "Customer Ratings of a Product," pertains to a pie chart that visually represents the breakdown of customer ratings attributed to a certain product or service.
The graphic illustrates that the category of "Good" evaluations has the highest proportion, accounting for 39% of the total customer input. The "Excellent" ratings closely trail following, constituting 28% of the total. The proportion of evaluations categorized as "Very poor" is 4% of the overall total, but both "Satisfactory" and "Poor" ratings are prevalent, accounting for 17% and 12% respectively.
The customer ratings shown offer a concise overview of the performance and level of customer satisfaction associated with the product or service in question. The prevalence of "Satisfactory" and "Excellent" ratings indicates a substantial level of client satisfaction, implying a commendable quality of the product or service being provided.
The existence of "Good" ratings suggests that the product or service is able to meet the expectations of customers and deliver a nice experience to a substantial number of individuals. The designation of "Fair" ratings can serve as a means to identify specific areas that could benefit from further development, while the designation of "Poor" ratings, despite being the least prevalent, indicates areas of significant concern that necessitate immediate attention.
In general, customer ratings play a crucial role as a feedback mechanism for businesses and organizations, enabling them to evaluate their performance, pinpoint areas for improvement, and make well-informed decisions in order to satisfy consumer expectations and uphold a high standard of satisfaction.
Example 10: Household Waste Disposal Methods
Pie chart IELTS Writing Task 1 Sample Answer 10:
The title "Methods of Household Waste Disposal" is associated with a pie chart that presents an overview of the different approaches utilized by families for the purpose of waste disposal.
Based on the data presented in the graphic, it is apparent that open dumps represent the predominant trash disposal approach, with a majority of households, specifically 57%, employing this method. Approximately 10% of households utilize waste management services, which encompass the collection and subsequent disposal of trash, including landfill deposition. Composting, a sustainable practice, is adopted by a mere 1% of households. Unregulated waste disposal sites account for 30% of the total, whereas a minor proportion of homes (2%) depend on recycling methods.
The data presented indicates a pressing requirement for an upward trajectory in waste disposal practices that prioritize sustainability. A substantial proportion of households demonstrate a preference for engaging in recycling and composting activities. This statement highlights the significance of advocating for sustainable waste management methods at the individual household level in order to reduce environmental consequences.
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Example 11: Distribution of Art Forms in a Gallery
Pie chart IELTS Writing task 1 sample Answer 11:
The above-mentioned title, "Distribution of Art Forms in a Gallery," pertains to a pie chart that illustrates the allocation of various art forms within the collection of an art gallery.
According to the provided chart, paintings are observed to emerge as the prevailing art form, comprising 50% of the gallery's collection. The subsequent artistic creations consist of sculptures and installations, with each individual piece representing a proportion of 20%. Photography, as a medium that embodies the essence of modern art, constitutes a notable portion of the collection, amounting to approximately 10%. The remaining 5% comprises a variety of artistic expressions, such as ceramics and textile art.
The previously mentioned distribution provides significant insights into the curatorial decisions made by the gallery and the diverse range of artistic expressions that it presents. The enduring popularity of paintings is indicated by their prominence, yet the gallery's dedication to embracing developing art trends is demonstrated by the incorporation of contemporary forms.
Example 12: Social Media Usage by Age Groups
Pie Chart IELTS Writing Task 1 Sample Answer 12:
The heading "Social Media Usage by Age Groups" pertains to a pie chart illustrating the allocation of social media usage among various age cohorts.
The data presented in the graphic reveals a notable trend wherein the age group encompassing individuals under 13-25 exhibits the highest level of engagement with social media, constituting 40% of the total usage. The age cohort ranging from 26 to 35 years old exhibits near proximity, constituting around 35% of individuals utilizing social media platforms. The demographic segment consisting of individuals aged 36-45 accounts for 18% of the population, and individuals aged 45 and above make up the remaining 12%.
The presented data clarifies the disparities in social media use across different generations, hence emphasizing the profound importance of digital platforms in contemporary modes of communication. The prevalence of younger generations' engagement on social media platforms underscores the significance of these channels for businesses and organizations seeking to reach and engage with younger populations.
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How to Answer IELTS Writing Task 1 Pie Chart Essay in 7 Simple Steps?
IELTS Writing Task 1 is an important part of the IELTS exam that tests how well you can understand visual information and write about it. The pie chart essay is a common type of job that you might have to do. In this blog post, we'll go over the steps you need to take to write a good pie chart essay that will help you get a good score on the IELTS.
Step 1: Understanding the Pie Chart
It's important to fully understand the pie chart before you start writing. Pay close attention to the groups and percentages on the chart. Your essay will be based on this first study.
Step 2: Introduction
Start your essay with a short opening that gives background information. Mention the topic, the source of the facts, and the years, if they are important. "The given pie chart shows..." is one example.
Step 3: Overview Paragraph
In the second paragraph, give an overview of the pie chart's important trends and features. List the areas where the percentages are the highest and lowest. Say things like "the most important group" and "the least important part."
Step 4: Detailed Paragraphs
After the overview, there should be two or more paragraphs that go into more information. Each paragraph should focus on an area or part of the pie chart that is important. Start by writing the name and percentage of the group again. Then, give specific information and, if it makes sense, draw comparisons.
Step 5: Structure and Cohesion
Make sure your essay has clear paragraphs and a good framework. Use linking words and sentences to link your ideas together and keep your writing clear. Higher scores are given to essays that are well-written and easy to follow.
Step 6: Vocabulary and Grammar
Use a wide range of words and grammar patterns to show how well you know the language. Don't say the same words or sentences over and over. Pay attention to tenses. Most pie chart info is about the past.
Step 7: Conclusion
Summarize the most important points from the pie chart without adding anything new. To end your essay well, you should go over the important points again.
8 Keypoints in Writing Task 1 Pie Chart Sample Answer
In the sample answers provided, we can observe some essential elements for a successful pie chart essay:
- The main points are chosen well and summed up well.
- To make things clear, the biggest and smallest parts of the pie chart are underlined.
- All of the sample answers have at least 150 words, which is a very important condition.
- Use words like "represents," "consists of," "accounts for," and "illustrates" in the right way when talking about pie charts.
- Essays that are well-organized have an introduction, a summary, and two paragraphs that go into more depth.
- All of the writings are consistent and make sense, which shows that they are well-structured.
- Use of different grammatical patterns and words to improve the range of language.
- Use of the right tense, which is usually the past tense since the events in the pie chart are about the past.
If you add these things to your pie chart writings, you will definitely do better on IELTS Writing Task 1.
1. How should I structure my IELTS Writing Task 1 essay?
A: Your essay should have an introduction, a summary of the main trends, and detailed paragraphs that focus on particular data points.
2. Should I use complex vocabulary in my essay?
A: Even though using big words can make your essay better, clarity and truth are more important. Use words you are familiar with and know how to use properly.
3. Is it necessary to provide my opinion in Writing Task 1?
A: No, your task is to describe the data objectively, not express personal opinions.
4. What tense should I use for past data in pie charts?
A: It's appropriate to use the past tense when describing data from previous years.