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Read US Introduces Bill to Increase Number of Green cards

Tips to know about H1B Visa Process to Green Card Holder

After a series of panic with respect to the curbing of extensions for H-1B visa, the immigrant community in USA had something to cheer about this week, as the US House of representatives saw a new bill introduced, which sought to increase the total number of Green Cards allotted by 45% each year. The bill which also, advocates a merit based system is expected to benefit highly skilled workers, many of whom are employed in the technology and ICE sectors. It is presumed that many Indian immigrants will be benefited if the bill is signed into law.

Provisions of the New Bill

The new bill, which has the support of the Trump administration has been dubbed as the "Securing America's Future Act" and is expected to bring a close to the diversity visa program. The immigration levels are expected to come down from greater than 1 million to less than 300,000 each year. Though the overall number of immigrants will go down, skilled immigrants from India will have an advantage as the number of visas given under the diversity program will be drastically reduced. The diversity program is not available for Indians, and Indian's have had to wait for many years in line for their green card on account of the diversity visa.

[Read More: US in Close talks on US H1B policy]

Indian Americans working in Tech sector to benefit from New Bill

The bill which aims to increase the number of Green Cards allotted each year, is expected to benefit skilled workers. Mainly the Indian-American workers in the technology sector are expected to be the primary beneficiaries of the new Act. These Indian workers immigrate to USA through the H-1B Visa Process for Indians. A program that allows organizations in USA to bring in highly skilled immigrant workers from all over the world to work in positions where US citizens are not available for work, either through a lack of required skill sets or lack of interest. The visa program has run into a lot of criticism in recent years as it has been alleged that many companies are using it as a route to cheap labor and are hiring immigrant workers at the cost of US citizens. Immigrants who enter the United States under an H-1B are allowed to stay for 3 years and then can apply for an extension and subsequently a Green Card.

Many skilled workers on H-1B opt to apply for Green Card and are given extensions to enable to stay in USA until their Green Card gets processed. According to some estimates, nearly half a million Indian immigrants are waiting in queue for obtaining their Green Cards, many of whom have to wait for decades. The proposed increase in the same is expected to dramatically reduce the waiting period and ensure that immigrants to USA who deserve get their green cards much earlier than before.

[Read More: New Jobs Data May Lead To Rise in Immigration to USA]

The Act, if passed into a law is expected to benefit not only the immigrants themselves but also the US economy as, the immigrants will be able to set aside their concerns and contribute more at their jobs and to the economy.

To know more about the new bill and your prospects for immigrating to USA, Canada, Australia, UK and many other countries, contact Global Tree Overseas Education and Immigration consultants at Begumpet, Hyderabad. Global Tree boasts of its presence across India with 14 branches headed with excellent counseling team, the best Certified Immigration Consultants in India.


Most asked questions on Google

Canada: The Great White North is Number 1 on this list. With easy immigration processes, a welcoming society, great education and healthcare, cool weather, and the ever-growing job market, Canada is the undisputed leader in immigration potential.

Germany: The Deutschland is famous for precision, quality, and high expectations. Unsurprisingly, it makes the list but we’re still going to spell it out. Currently, home to over 170,000 Indians, Germany is a melting pot of different cultures mostly from other countries in the EU. A veritable hub for mechanical engineering, Germany has a low level of corruption, and a love for innovation and is home to over 25 Fortune 500 companies. With the demand for highly skilled professionals, Germany is a choice destination for young, smart immigrants from all over the world.

Provincial Nominee Program is one of the best routes for Canadian immigration. Every province (state) in Canada has its criteria for immigration. This criterion is custom-fitted to reflect the needs and growth opportunities arising in that respective province.

A Master’s Degree translates directly into a better CRS score. Your educational qualifications reflect the contribution you would make to the destination country’s economy which means that you would be more sought after. Speaking one of the country's primary languages (Eg: French for Canada) also greatly raises your chances for both visa success as well job opportunities.

If you fall under the NOC list in Canada or SOL in Australia (Occupations in demand list), it means that jobs are readily available for qualified candidates. On average, individuals earn 8 times as much salary in Canada as compared to India.


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