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Top Nursing Colleges in Ireland for International Students

Study Nursing in Ireland

Nursing is a noble profession that plays a crucial role in the healthcare sector, providing compassionate care and support to individuals in need. In Ireland, the demand for skilled nurses continues to grow, driven by an ageing population, advancements in medical technology, and an increasing focus on preventive care. 

Aspiring nurses seeking quality education and training can find a plethora of opportunities in the diverse array of nursing colleges across the country. This comprehensive guide aims to explore the top nursing colleges in Ireland, highlighting their programs, facilities, faculty, and unique features.

Top Nursing Colleges in Ireland

1. University College Dublin (UCD):

  • UCD School of Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Systems is renowned for its excellence in nursing education and research in Ireland.
  • Programs offered: Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Children's and General Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing, and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Nursing.
  • UCD's strong emphasis on clinical practice ensures students receive hands-on training in state-of-the-art healthcare facilities.
  • Collaboration with leading healthcare institutions provides students with valuable clinical placement opportunities.
  • The faculty comprises experienced clinicians and researchers dedicated to shaping the next generation of nursing professionals.

2. Trinity College Dublin (TCD):

  • TCD's School of Nursing and Midwifery boasts a rich history of academic excellence and innovation in nursing education.
  • Programs offered: Bachelor in Science in Nursing, Master in Science in Nursing, and Doctoral programs.
  • TCD's curriculum integrates theory with practical experience, preparing students to excel in diverse healthcare settings.
  • Research-driven approach fosters critical thinking and evidence-based practice among students.
  • Strong emphasis on interprofessional education, encouraging collaboration with other healthcare disciplines.

3. National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG):

  • NUIG's School of Nursing and Midwifery is committed to producing competent and compassionate nurses capable of meeting the evolving healthcare needs.
  • Programs offered: Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Children's and General Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing, and PhD in Nursing.
  • NUIG's innovative teaching methods, including simulation labs and clinical skills workshops, enhance students' practical skills.
  • Extensive research opportunities enable students to contribute to advancements in nursing practice and healthcare delivery.
  • Strong focus on leadership development and continuous professional education.

 (Read More: How to Pursue Master of Nursing in Australia?)

4. University College Cork (UCC):

  • UCC's Department of Nursing and Midwifery is recognized for its commitment to excellence in nursing education, research, and practice.
  • Programs offered: Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Children's and General Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing, and PhD in Nursing.
  • UCC's comprehensive clinical placement program provides students with exposure to various healthcare settings, including hospitals, community clinics, and long-term care facilities.
  • Emphasis on holistic care and patient-centred approach prepares students to address the complex healthcare needs of individuals and communities.
  • Strong links with local healthcare providers facilitate networking and employment opportunities for graduates.

5. Dublin City University (DCU):

  • DCU's School of Nursing and Human Sciences is dedicated to fostering excellence in nursing education, research, and practice.
  • Programs offered: Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Children's and General Nursing, Master of Science in Nursing, and PhD in Nursing.
  • DCU's innovative curriculum emphasises interdisciplinary collaboration, communication skills, and leadership development.
  • Clinical placement opportunities in diverse healthcare settings enable students to gain real-world experience and build confidence in their clinical skills.
  • Commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion in nursing education and practice.

Top Nursing courses in Ireland for International students

Let's delve deeper into some of the top nursing courses in Ireland offered by the University of Galway and other top institutions in Ireland.

Course Title Institution Qualification Entry Score Total Course Fee Focus Area

PDipHSc (Diabetes) Nursing

University of Galway

Postgraduate Diploma


EUR 59,560

Diabetes Nursing

Certificate in Nursing (Nurse/Midwife Prescribing)

University of Galway

Postgraduate Certificate


Not specified

Prescribing Skills

PhD (Structured) Nursing and Midwifery

University of Galway



Not specified

Nursing Research

Bachelor of Mental Health Nursing

University of Galway

Bachelor Degree


EUR 106,000

Mental Health Nursing

Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Education)

University of Galway

Postgraduate Diploma


EUR 15,500

Nursing Education

Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing - Trauma and Emergency Nursing

University College Cork

Postgraduate Diploma


EUR 29,400

Trauma and Emergency Nursing

Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing - Intensive Care Nursing

University College Cork

Postgraduate Diploma


EUR 29,400

Intensive Care Nursing

Master of Science in Nursing (MSNUNGTFAD)

University of Limerick

Masters Degree (Taught)


EUR 17,300

Nursing (Taught Program)

Postgraduate Diploma Advanced Practice Nursing

University of Galway

Postgraduate Diploma


EUR 29,400

Advanced Practice Nursing

PDipHSc (Diabetes) Nursing at University of Galway:

  • This postgraduate diploma program focuses on equipping nurses with specialised knowledge and skills in managing diabetes care.
  • With an entry score of 6.5, the program offers a comprehensive curriculum covering various aspects of diabetes nursing, including assessment, treatment, and patient education.
  • The course fee, EUR 59,560, reflects the quality of education and resources provided to students

(Read More: Study in UK vs Ireland: which is better for study abroad?)

Certificate in Nursing (Nurse/Midwife Prescribing) at University of Galway:

  • This postgraduate certificate program is designed for qualified nurses and midwives seeking to enhance their prescribing capabilities.
  • The program offers a unique opportunity for nurses to expand their scope of practice and improve patient care outcomes.
  • With an entry score of 6.5, this certificate course provides a valuable credential for advancing in the nursing profession.

PhD (Structured) Nursing and Midwifery at University of Galway:

  • This doctoral program is ideal for aspiring nurse researchers looking to pursue advanced studies in nursing and midwifery.
  • With a focus on structured research, the PhD program enables students to contribute to the advancement of nursing knowledge and practice.
  • The entry score requirement of 6.5 reflects the academic rigour of the program, which prepares graduates for leadership roles in academia, research, and healthcare.

Bachelor of Mental Health Nursing at University of Galway:

  • This undergraduate program prepares students for a rewarding career in mental health nursing, addressing the growing demand for mental health services.
  • With an entry score of 6.5, the program offers a comprehensive curriculum covering mental health assessment, intervention, and rehabilitation.
  • The total course fee of EUR 106,000 reflects the investment in providing students with quality education and practical training in mental health nursing.

Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Education) at University of Galway:

  • This postgraduate diploma program is designed for registered nurses aspiring to pursue careers in nursing education and professional development.
  • With a focus on pedagogy and curriculum development, the program equips nurses with the knowledge and skills to become effective nurse educators.
  • The affordable course fee of EUR 15,500 makes this program accessible to nurses seeking to advance their careers in nursing education.

These top courses offered by the University of Galway and other leading institutions reflect the diverse opportunities available in Ireland for nurses to specialise, advance their careers, and make meaningful contributions to healthcare practice and research. Whether it's in diabetes nursing, mental health nursing, advanced practice, or nursing education, these programs cater to the evolving needs of the nursing profession and the healthcare sector.


Nursing colleges in Ireland play a vital role in preparing competent and compassionate nurses capable of meeting the challenges of modern healthcare. With their emphasis on excellence in education, research, and practice, these colleges offer aspiring nurses the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills, and values necessary for a fulfilling career in nursing. 

Whether it's UCD's focus on clinical practice, TCD's research-driven approach, NUIG's emphasis on innovation, UCC's holistic care philosophy, or DCU's commitment to diversity, each nursing college in Ireland provides a unique learning environment tailored to the needs of future nursing professionals. As Ireland's healthcare landscape continues to evolve, these colleges remain steadfast in their mission to nurture tomorrow's nurses and contribute to the health and well-being of society.

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any specific language requirements for international students?

International students whose first language is not English may be required to demonstrate proficiency in the English language through standardized tests such as IELTS or TOEFL. The minimum required scores may vary depending on the institution and the program.

[Check Out: Best IELTS Coaching Center Near You]

Can I work while studying nursing in Ireland?

International students in Ireland are allowed to work part-time during the academic term and full-time during scheduled breaks, provided they have permission to work. However, nursing programs can be demanding, and students may need to balance work commitments with their academic workload and clinical placements.

Are there scholarships available for nursing students in Ireland?

Some institutions and external organisations offer scholarships, grants, or financial aid programs to support nursing students, both domestic and international. These scholarships may be merit-based, need-based, or specific to certain demographics or areas of study. Prospective students are encouraged to explore scholarship opportunities and inquire with the respective institutions.

Most asked questions on Google

The common notion is that foreign universities are expensive, although with scholarships this is an exaggerated issue. What many fail to consider are time and effort. Studying in an Indian college leads to a lower average salary than earned by our western counterparts. This salary sets the tone for all future promotions since companies often look at your previous salaries during compensation appraisals. Additionally, most senior positions tend to be scooped up by individuals who have an international outlook through global exposure.  Finally, studying in a foreign country is an incredible learning experience helping students get a better academic as well as soft skill development.

Canada has been one of the market leaders in education for decades. However, what currently sets Maple Country apart is immigration. Canada is wholeheartedly inviting students to study in their universities to fill job vacancies that are always growing in the country. Students who study in Canada (especially a Master’s Degree) are practically assured of a Permanent Residency Visa.

A good score doesn’t automatically qualify a candidate for a scholarship, however, it is one of the primary factors that the admissions department looks for in a scholarship application. There are other attributes such as a candidate’s academics, extra-curricular, financial background, and application essays (SOPs).

We get this question a lot. Many candidates know which career path they want to take, but are at a loss for how to take that journey. Understanding the job role and the industry that you want to get into is the first step to picking the right university.

Carefully consider the immigration options of the country that the university that you are considering is in. This is more important when you intend to stay back in the country after the completion of your course.

Also, review the placement history of the university as well.

The first step is to list your preferences. By listing your preferences and strengths, describe your course of preference. Extensive research on the modules, software and its length for your preferred subject is necessary.


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