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What will merit based immigration entail under Raise Act? Hear it from the experts!

Migrate To US Through US Job Visa

In the month of February, US immigration has revealed an Immigration bill known as Raise Act. It will create a system of points based on merit for measuring applicants who seek to Migrate to the US through US Job Visa.

The senators are busy drafting the bill; they are looking to introduce a points-based system similar to those in Australia and Canada. As US Congress is looking into this immigration matter, this blog tries to get some views of scholars from across the globe on how points system would work.

Raise Act Will Significantly Change US Immigration

According to California University scholar, Kevin Johnson, this Raise Act will reform the US immigration and it would also likely to have unintentional results of raising undocumented immigration.

Around a million immigrants are issued legal US permanent residence each year. The Raise Act will cut yearly authorized Immigrant Enrollment, mainly by cutting Immigration Visas under family sponsorship for those who are not minor kids or spouses of the US permanent residents and citizens.

This will minimize the number of family-based sponsored green cards from 2,26,000 to around 88,000. Minimizing the family-based immigration will impact the Potential Immigrants from countries like China, Mexico, the Philippines, Cuba, and India.

These modifications will change the overall system of US immigration from family based to job-based. Under the present system, most job-based Immigrants are highly skilled and made just around 14% of those who got US Green Cards.

Under this act, job-based immigrants will make a majority of those who get US green cards. This bill would create fresh criteria for measuring many high-skilled applicants who seek to Work in the US. In the much-anticipated points-based system, applicants will get points for meeting assured conditions like age, a degree and investment in the US.

Additional points are allotted for degrees that are earned in the US. Individuals who speak English language, professional athletes and winners of Nobel Prize will receive additional points. The bill also looking to remove the Diversity Visa Program, that allows around 50,000 Visas every year for nations with less immigration rate to the US.

[Read More: Merit Based Immigration to USA ]

Splitting lawful immigration would likely to raise the pressure for undocumented immigration. The present limits on lawful immigration have already brought around 11 million undocumented Immigrants to the country.

The merit-based system would not address the increase in demand in the country for medium and less skilled workers in the field such as service industries, construction, and agriculture. 

Australias Way Of Handling Immigration

A scholar from Adelaide University, Australia, Alex Reilly has specified how Australia has intelligently handled immigration problem. Last year, this country has accepted as many as 1,89,770 permanent immigrants through its family and skilled immigration streams.

Australia has also resettled thousands of refugees. This is how the country has managed the migration level for over ten years, adding around a percent to the population of Australia each year, probably more than what the US allows through its migration programs.

Last year, around 67.7% of individuals have migrated to Australia through Australia skilled migration stream and around 30.8% people came through the family stream. This modification is the outcome of government policies that give priority to skilled migration due to its contribution towards the economy.

The above facts are elusive as numbers in skilled migration program also include dependents and partners of main applicants. So around partial Skilled Migrants are actually family members of those skilled migrants who do not require meeting eligibility criteria of the main applicant.

There are two routes for Australia skilled migration. General skilled migration and skilled migration with an employer sponsor. General skilled migration needs applicants who seek to Work in Australia to have jobs on the list of skilled occupations

Many skills are in professional fields like engineering and medicine or business that are highly demanded in the countrys economy like electricians and plumbers. The list is regularly updated as per economic requirement of the country.

Visas for this group are issued on points based system which is exactly being proposed in the US. Points are given for proficiency in English language, age and a skilled job outside the country, a skilled job in the country and qualifications that are connected to jobs on the list of skilled occupation.

Points are given for Pursuing an Education in Australia, mainly in regional parts of the country and concluding a year in the country. Immigrants under the skilled stream are extremely qualified, they do not search jobs in their area of expertise and many remain unemployed.

The second route is for Skilled Migrants whose sponsor is an employer. This route is open for migrants with a wide range of skills and has the benefit of migrants being in the guaranteed job when they initially visit the country.

Employers should show that they have got a vacant skilled position and there are no citizens of Australia available for that job. The employer has to give job advertisement before getting Migrants for doing the work.

Most of the employer-sponsored migrants apply from within the country and 44% of independent Skilled Migrants also apply from within the country. This reflects a much-increased number of Provisional Migrants Studying and working on these visas in the country.

Canada Allowing Permanent Immigrants In Large Numbers

Canadian scholar Mireille Paquet from Concordia University, Montreal, Canada shows how the country has enrolled as many as 2,71,845 Permanent Immigrants. Immigration is the biggest contributor towards population increase in Canada. Canada Permanent Immigration Program is divided into three streams such as family, economic and humanitarian.

Last year around 60% of total permanent immigration comes from the economic stream. Around 24% of entire immigration to the nation comes from a family stream. These figures have remained stable since 15 years, with Canada immigration under economic stream represents the biggest share of those who got Canada PR. The economic stream under Canada immigration is presently divided into many programs.

[Read More: How to Immigrate to Canada as Skilled Trades Person]

The Federal Skilled Workers Program is utilized as flagship program of the countrys approach towards selecting immigrants. To get considered, applicants should meet basic criteria like education, work experience and proficiency in English or French language. Applicants should score 67 points or higher.

Eligible applicants are then ranked and those with higher ranking get an invitation to apply for Canada PR. This system is known as Canada Express Entry System which relies on CRS score. The immigration minister issues a large number of invitations each month.

Despite having a refined system of assessment, research shows that individuals who seek to immigrate to Canada still faces problems in searching jobs. Several factors like race, gender, a geographical area in the nation and job sectors affect the Canada immigration.

If you are looking to Immigrate Overseas, it is recommended that you go with a company that has got years of experience in the Overseas Immigration ProcessGlobal Tree is among the Best Immigration Consultants in India with a team of Expert Counselors who are available to help you in your Immigration Process. 

Most asked questions on Google

Canada: The Great White North is Number 1 on this list. With easy immigration processes, a welcoming society, great education and healthcare, cool weather, and the ever-growing job market, Canada is the undisputed leader in immigration potential.

Germany: The Deutschland is famous for precision, quality, and high expectations. Unsurprisingly, it makes the list but we’re still going to spell it out. Currently, home to over 170,000 Indians, Germany is a melting pot of different cultures mostly from other countries in the EU. A veritable hub for mechanical engineering, Germany has a low level of corruption, and a love for innovation and is home to over 25 Fortune 500 companies. With the demand for highly skilled professionals, Germany is a choice destination for young, smart immigrants from all over the world.

Provincial Nominee Program is one of the best routes for Canadian immigration. Every province (state) in Canada has its criteria for immigration. This criterion is custom-fitted to reflect the needs and growth opportunities arising in that respective province.

A Master’s Degree translates directly into a better CRS score. Your educational qualifications reflect the contribution you would make to the destination country’s economy which means that you would be more sought after. Speaking one of the country's primary languages (Eg: French for Canada) also greatly raises your chances for both visa success as well job opportunities.

If you fall under the NOC list in Canada or SOL in Australia (Occupations in demand list), it means that jobs are readily available for qualified candidates. On average, individuals earn 8 times as much salary in Canada as compared to India.


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