Immigrating To Canada
If you have always been interested in immigrating to Canada, but we're not sure, if it would really benefit you, you should be assured, as a recent survey by the government of Canada's statistics department has found that children of immigrants are more likely to succeed in later life than the children of native citizens.
The survey found that, despite coming from low-income backgrounds in their childhood, the immigrant child most often ended up completing their post graduation and earning higher than average salaries.
Canada Immigration Benefits Your Children
These reassuring findings have come from a recently conducted, Statistics Canada study that aimed to observe data from tax filings in the year 2018. Researchers were tasked with the study of education and the labor market and their effect on immigrants who had arrived in Canada with their parents through Canada immigration system as children.
By the age of reaching 20, nearly 70 percent of these child immigrants who had arrived with their parents, were successfully enrolled in a post-secondary designated institution of learning. This is a huge proportion when compared to the overall population, which saw only 56 percent of the respondents enrolled.
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Moreover, women formed a large part of the group of successful immigrants at the age of 20 In the year 2018, persons who were 25-year-old or older were receiving a median wage of around 29,700 CAD overall, compared to this, 25-year-olds who had immigrated when they were 15 years or younger, were earning an average salary of 30,300 CAD per annum.
In the case of 30-year-olds, the median wage for the overall population was around 41,00 CAD and for immigrant children, it was 47,400 CAD. To put it briefly, children who came as immigrants to Canada, ended up earning at least 10 percent more than their native counterparts.
The people, who immigrate through Canada Express Entry and other economic-class programs were found to be the most successful among other immigrants to Canada. The wages of these categories of children at the age of 24, surpassed both the wages of the overall population as well as wages of other classes of immigrants.
By the time they reach the age of 30, immigrants who had arrived in Canada, through an economic-class immigration scheme such as Express Entry, were earning a median salary of more than 52,000, by the year 2018 and are likely to be earning even more today. This is a significant step up compared to the median salary of the overall population, which is calculated at around 41,800 CAD. Moreover, the immigrant children who had arrived as refugees were earning around 41,600 CAD.
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The difference in the wage earnings can be attributed to the mode of immigration Economic class immigrants are generally highly skilled, well educated, and have good communication skills. They pass on these benefits to their children, who find it much easier to integrate into school and reap the advantage of the excellent quality of Canada's education system. This makes it easier for them to succeed in the conducive environment of Canada's economy.