Skilled Visa Programs
If you are planning to immigrate to Australia, under any of the skilled migration visa programs, then you will need to undergo skilled assessment. This section explains what is skilled assessment? Who is required to undergo this assessment? And what the assessment entails?
What Is Skills Assessment For Australia Immigration?
The Skills Assessment Program is applicable for those persons who are interested in applying for skilled immigration visa to Australia, and are not from countries that are covered by the Trades Recognition Australia (TRA). The skill assessment will be a paper based review of the individuals educational qualifications, history of work experience in the relevant field and will compare it to the existing standards in Australia for a skilled worker in the nominated occupation.
For example, if you apply as a skilled worker as a data analyst, then skilled assessment will be a process where your educational qualifications and total work experience in the industry will reviewed and compared with the standard for a Australian worker in the same occupation.
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The skills assessment program is intended to be used for immigration to Australia and for no other purpose. A candidate who has got a successful assessment cannot consider it as an qualification or endorsement from an government or quasi-government authority in Australia and cannot use the result of the assessment for gaining licensing, employment, or recognition.
Who Needs To Apply For Migration Skills Assessment For Australia Immigration?
If you desire to apply for skills assessment, then you will need to make sure that your occupation is listed in either the Short-term Skilled Occupations List (STSOL) or the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) that is provided on the website of the Department of Home Affairs.
If however, you hold an educational qualification from an Australian institution, then you will need to apply through the Offshore Skills Assessment Program (OSAP). The occupation you are applying for should be relevant to both your education qualification and your employment experience.
Guidelines to Apply For Australia Skills Assessment
- You will need to complete the application form, and ensure that you furnish all the required evidence as given on the application form
- You will need to attach a proof of payment and email the completed application to the Trades Recognition Australia (TRA)
- If your documents are in a language other than English, then you will need to provide an English translation that is made by an approved translator
- You will need to include the following documents
- Qualification certificate and/or apprenticeship certificate if applicable
- A complete transcript of your academic record of the study program or degree
- Any documents related to your apprenticeship including contractual agreements, journals etc
- Proof of relevant work experience from your employers. You will need to submit a separate template from each employer.
- Proof of payment
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- You can nominate an immigration agent or representative to submit the application on your behalf.
- You will be able to get the result of your assessment, typically within 90 days of the submission of your application to the TRA. If you are not happy with the results then you can submit for review within 90 days from the date of assessment.